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2024-05-23 17:08:09 +00:00
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Updates should follow the [Keep a CHANGELOG]( principles.
## [Unreleased][unreleased]
## [5.1.1] - 2023-07-12
### Fixed
- Fixed `<pre>` tags with attributes not being parsed (#215, #238)
- Fixed missing type checks and coercions
## [5.1.0] - 2022-03-02
### Changed
- Changed horizontal rule style (#218, #219)
### Fixed
- Fixed `Element::getValue()` not handling possible nulls
## [5.0.2] - 2021-11-06
### Fixed
- Fixed missplaced comment nodes appearing at the start of the HTML input (#212)
## [5.0.1] - 2021-09-17
### Fixed
- Fixed lists not using the correct amount of indentation (#211)
## [5.0.0] - 2021-03-28
### Added
- Added support for tables (#203)
- This feature is disable by default - see README for how to enable it
- Added new `strip_placeholder_links` option to strip `<a>` tags without `href` attributes (#196)
- Added new methods to `ElementInterface`:
- `hasParent()`
- `getNextSibling()`
- `getPreviousSibling()`
- `getListItemLevel()`
- Added several parameter and return types across all classes
- Added new `PreConverterInterface` to allow converters to perform any necessary pre-parsing
### Changed
- Supported PHP versions increased to PHP 7.2 - 8.0
- `HtmlConverter::convert()` may now throw a `\RuntimeException` when unexpected `DOMDocument`-related errors occur
### Fixed
- Fixed complex nested lists containing heading and paragraphs (#198)
- Fixed consecutive emphasis producing incorrect markdown (#202)
## [4.10.0] - 2020-06-30
### Added
- Added the ability to disable autolinking with a configuration option (#187, #188)
## [4.9.1] - 2019-12-27
### Fixed
- Fixed issue with HTML entity escaping in text (#184)
## [4.9.0] - 2019-11-02
### Added
- Added new option to preserve comments (#177, #179)
## [4.8.3] - 2019-10-31
### Fixed
- Fixed whitespace preservation around `<code>` tags (#174, #178)
## [4.8.2] - 2019-08-02
### Fixed
- Fixed headers not being placed onto a new line in some cases (#172)
- Fixed handling of links containing spaces (#175)
### Removed
- Removed support for HHVM
## [4.8.1] - 2018-12-24
### Added
- Added support for PHP 7.3
### Fixed
- Fixed paragraphs following tables (#165, #166)
- Fixed incorrect list item escaping (#168, #169)
## [4.8.0] - 2018-09-18
### Added
- Added support for email auto-linking
- Added a new interface (`HtmlConverterInterface`) for the main `HtmlConverter` class
- Added additional test cases (#14)
### Changed
- The `italic_style` option now defaults to `'*'` so that in-word emphasis is handled properly (#75)
### Fixed
- Fixed several issues of `<code>` and `<pre>` tags not converting to blocks or inlines properly (#26, #70, #102, #140, #161, #162)
- Fixed in-word emphasis using underscores as delimiter (#75)
- Fixed character escaping inside of `<div>` elements
- Fixed header edge cases
### Deprecated
- The `bold_style` and `italic_style` options have been deprecated (#75)
## [4.7.0] - 2018-05-19
### Added
- Added `setOptions()` function for chainable calling (#149)
- Added new `list_item_style_alternate` option for converting every-other list with a different character (#155)
### Fixed
- Fixed insufficient newlines after code blocks (#144, #148)
- Fixed trailing spaces not being preserved in link anchors (#157)
- Fixed list-like lines not being escaped inside of lists items (#159)
## [4.6.2]
### Fixed
- Fixed issue with emphasized spaces (#146)
## [4.6.1]
### Fixed
- Fixed conversion of `<pre>` tags (#145)
## [4.6.0]
### Added
- Added support for ordered lists starting at numbers other than 1
### Fixed
- Fixed overly-eager escaping of list-like text (#141)
## [4.5.0]
### Added
- Added configuration option for list item style (#135, #136)
## [4.4.1]
### Fixed
- Fixed autolinking of invalid URLs (#129)
## [4.4.0]
### Added
- Added `hard_break` configuration option (#112, #115)
- The `HtmlConverter` can now be instantiated with an `Environment` (#118)
### Fixed
- Fixed handling of paragraphs in list item elements (#47, #110)
- Fixed phantom spaces when newlines follow `br` elements (#116, #117)
- Fixed link converter not sanitizing inner spaces properly (#119, #120)
## [4.3.1]
### Changed
- Revised the sanitization implementation (#109)
### Fixed
- Fixed tag-like content not being escaped (#67, #109)
- Fixed thematic break-like content not being escaped (#65, #109)
- Fixed codefence-like content not being escaped (#64, #109)
## [4.3.0]
### Added
- Added full support for PHP 7.0 and 7.1
### Changed
- Changed `<pre>` and `<pre><code>` conversions to use backticks instead of indendation (#102)
### Fixed
- Fixed issue where specified code language was not preserved (#70, #102)
- Fixed issue where `<code>` tags nested in `<pre>` was not converted properly (#70, #102)
- Fixed header-like content not being escaped (#76, #105)
- Fixed blockquote-like content not being escaped (#77, #103)
- Fixed ordered list-like content not being escaped (#73, #106)
- Fixed unordered list-like content not being escaped (#71, #107)
## [4.2.2]
### Fixed
- Fixed sanitization bug which sometimes removes desired content (#63, #101)
## [4.2.1]
### Fixed
- Fixed path to autoload.php when used as a library (#98)
- Fixed edge case for tags containing only whitespace (#99)
### Removed
- Removed double HTML entity decoding, as this is not desireable (#60)
## [4.2.0]
### Added
- Added the ability to invoke HtmlConverter objects as functions (#85)
### Fixed
- Fixed improper handling of nested list items (#19 and #84)
- Fixed preceeding or trailing spaces within emphasis tags (#83)
## [4.1.1]
### Fixed
- Fixed conversion of empty paragraphs (#78)
- Fixed `preg_replace` so it wouldn't break UTF-8 characters (#79)
## [4.1.0]
### Added
- Added `bin/html-to-markdown` script
### Changed
- Changed default italic character to `_` (#58)
## [4.0.1]
### Fixed
- Added escaping to avoid * and _ in a text being rendered as emphasis (#48)
### Removed
- Removed the demo (#51)
- `.styleci.yml` and `` are no longer included in distributions (#50)
## [4.0.0]
This release changes the visibility of several methods/properties. #42 and #43 brought to light that some visiblities were
not ideally set, so this releases fixes that. Moving forwards this should reduce the chance of introducing BC-breaking changes.
### Added
- Added new `HtmlConverter::getEnvironment()` method to expose the `Environment` (#42, #43)
### Changed
- Changed `Environment::addConverter()` from `protected` to `public`, enabling custom converters to be added (#42, #43)
- Changed `HtmlConverter::createDOMDocument()` from `protected` to `private`
- Changed `Element::nextCached` from `protected` to `private`
- Made the `Environment` class `final`
## [3.1.1]
### Fixed
- Empty HTML strings now result in empty Markdown documents (#40, #41)
## [3.1.0]
### Added
- Added new `equals` method to `Element` to check for equality
### Changes
- Use Linux line endings consistently instead of plaform-specific line endings (#36)
### Fixed
- Cleaned up code style
## [3.0.0]
### Changed
- Changed namespace to `League\HTMLToMarkdown`
- Changed packagist name to `league/html-to-markdown`
- Re-organized code into several separate classes
- `<a>` tags with identical href and inner text are now rendered using angular bracket syntax (#31)
- `<div>` elements are now treated as block-level elements (#33)
## [2.2.2]
### Added
- Added support for PHP 5.6 and HHVM
- Enabled testing against PHP 7 nightlies
- Added this
### Fixed
- Fixed whitespace preservation between inline elements (#9 and #10)
## [2.2.1]
### Fixed
- Preserve placeholder links (#22)
## [2.2.0]
### Added
- Added CircleCI config
### Changed
- `<pre>` blocks are now treated as code elements
### Removed
- Dropped support for PHP 5.2
- Removed incorrect README comment regarding `#text` nodes (#17)
## [2.1.2]
### Added
- Added the ability to blacklist/remove specific node types (#11)
### Changed
- Line breaks are now placed after divs instead of before them
- Newlines inside of link texts are now removed
- Updated the minimum PHPUnit version to 4.*
## [2.1.1]
### Added
- Added options to customize emphasis characters
## [2.1.0]
### Added
- Added option to strip HTML tags without Markdown equivalents
- Added `convert()` method for converter reuse
- Added ability to set options after instance construction
- Documented the required PHP extensions (#4)
### Changed
- ATX style now used for h1 and h2 tags inside blockquotes
### Fixed
- Newlines inside blockquotes are now started with a bracket
- Fixed some incorrect docblocks
- `__toString()` now returns an empty string if input is empty
- Convert head tag if body tag is empty (#7)
- Preserve special characters inside tags without md equivalents (#6)
## [2.0.1]
### Fixed
- Fixed first line indentation for multi-line code blocks
- Fixed consecutive anchors get separating spaces stripped (#3)
## [2.0.0]
### Added
- Initial release