Joachim Happel 271f9b3469 - recoded lib
- add (synchronisize boards)
2024-05-28 15:22:28 +02:00

108 lines
4.3 KiB

import argparse
import requests
import lib
# Argumente von der Kommandozeile einlesen
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Clone or sync a specific board from one Nextcloud instance to another.')
parser.add_argument('--board', type=str, required=True, help='The title of the board to clone or sync.')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Board-Titel, den wir klonen oder synchronisieren möchten
board_to_clone = args.board
# Hole alle Boards von der Quellinstanz
source_boards = lib.getBoards()
# Finde das gewünschte Board in der Quellinstanz
board_to_clone_data = next((board for board in source_boards if board['title'] == board_to_clone), None)
if not board_to_clone_data:
print(f'Board "{board_to_clone}" nicht gefunden.')
boardIdFrom = board_to_clone_data['id']
# Hole alle Boards von der Zielinstanz
target_boards = lib.getBoards('to')
# Überprüfen, ob das Board in der Zielinstanz existiert
target_board_data = next((board for board in target_boards if board['title'] == board_to_clone), None)
if target_board_data:
boardIdTo = target_board_data['id']
print(f'Board "{board_to_clone}" already exists. Syncing...')
# Erstelle das Board in der Zielinstanz
createdBoard = lib.createBoard(board_to_clone_data['title'], board_to_clone_data['color'])
boardIdTo = createdBoard['id']
print(f'Created board "{board_to_clone}"')
# Kopiere oder synchronisiere die Labels des Boards
boardDetails = lib.getBoardDetails(boardIdFrom)
labelsMap = {}
target_board_details = lib.getBoardDetails(boardIdTo,'to')
# Existierende Labels in der Zielinstanz sammeln
existing_labels = {label['title']: label['id'] for label in target_board_details['labels']}
for label in boardDetails['labels']:
if label['title'] in existing_labels:
labelsMap[label['id']] = existing_labels[label['title']]
createdLabel = lib.createLabel(label['title'], label['color'], boardIdTo)
labelsMap[label['id']] = createdLabel['id']
# Kopiere oder synchronisiere die Stacks und Karten des Boards
stacks = lib.getStacks(boardIdFrom)
target_stacks = lib.getStacks(boardIdTo,'to')
stacksMap = {}
# Existierende Stacks in der Zielinstanz sammeln
existing_stacks = {stack['title']: stack['id'] for stack in target_stacks}
for stack in stacks:
if stack['title'] in existing_stacks:
stackIdTo = existing_stacks[stack['title']]
stacksMap[stack['id']] = stackIdTo
print(f' Stack "{stack["title"]}" already exists. Syncing...')
createdStack = lib.createStack(stack['title'], stack['order'], boardIdTo)
stackIdTo = createdStack['id']
stacksMap[stack['id']] = stackIdTo
print(f' Created stack "{stack["title"]}"')
if 'cards' in stack:
for card in stack['cards']:
lib.copyCard(card, boardIdTo, stackIdTo, labelsMap)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
print(f' Failed to create card "{card["title"]}". Error: {e}')
print(f' Response: {e.response.text}')
print(f' Created {len(stack["cards"])} cards')
# Kopiere oder synchronisiere die archivierten Stacks und Karten des Boards
archived_stacks = lib.getStacksArchived(boardIdFrom)
target_archived_stacks = lib.getStacksArchived(boardIdTo,'to')
# Existierende archivierte Stacks in der Zielinstanz sammeln
existing_archived_stacks = {stack['title']: stack['id'] for stack in target_archived_stacks}
for stack in archived_stacks:
if stack['title'] in existing_archived_stacks:
stackIdTo = existing_archived_stacks[stack['title']]
print(f' Archived stack "{stack['title']}" already exists. Syncing...')
createdStack = lib.createStack(stack['title'], stack['order'], boardIdTo)
stackIdTo = createdStack['id']
stacksMap[stack['id']] = stackIdTo
print(f' Created archived stack "{stack['title']}"')
if 'cards' in stack:
for card in stack['cards']:
lib.copyCard(card, boardIdTo, stackIdTo, labelsMap)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
print(f' Failed to create archived card "{card["title"]}". Error: {e}')
print(f' Response: {e.response.text}')
print(f' Created {len(stack["cards"])} archived cards')