## ## https://gist.githubusercontent.com/muhannad0/e78f14d7bfa2a1a48320ec7194e5c516/raw/b66529364f0442e9ff8c046c023dfa58134b19f6/hugo.gitignore ## # Mac File System File...utterly useless to anyone but me. .DS_Store # https://dev.to/vonhyou/remove-dsstore-file-from-git-repo-2g57 # ggf. noch aus git Cache entfernen: "git rm --cached .DS_Store" ### Hugo ### # Generated files by hugo public/ resources/_gen/ # Executable may be added to repository hugo.exe hugo.darwin hugo.linux ### Visual Studio Code ### .vscode/* !.vscode/settings.json !.vscode/tasks.json !.vscode/launch.json !.vscode/extensions.json # Temporary *~ # Auto-generated tag files tags ## ## https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eSolia/eSolia_2018/refs/heads/main/.gitignore ## # Backup Files *.markdown~ *.md~ # Logs logs *.log # Build directories public dist