diff --git a/sb/layouts/partials/comments.html b/sb/layouts/partials/comments.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d4063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sb/layouts/partials/comments.html
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+{{ with .Params.comments }}
+<section id="comments" class="article-content">
+  <h2>Comments</h2>
+  <p>Mit einem Mastodon- oder Fediverse-Account kannst du hier antworten <a href="https://{{ .host }}/@{{ .username }}/{{ .id }}">post</a>. Since Mastodon is decentralized, you can use your existing account hosted by another Mastodon server or compatible platform if you don't have an account on this one. Known non-private replies are displayed below.</p>
+  <p>Learn how this is implemented <a class="link" href="/2020/12/29/adding-comments-to-your-static-blog-with-mastodon/">here.</a></p>
+  <p id="mastodon-comments-list"><button id="load-comment">Load comments</button></p>
+  <div id="comments-wrapper">
+    <noscript><p>Loading comments relies on JavaScript. Try enabling JavaScript and reloading, or visit <a href="https://{{ .host }}/@{{ .username }}/{{ .id }}">the original post</a> on Mastodon.</p></noscript>
+  </div>
+  <noscript>You need JavaScript to view the comments.</noscript>
+  <script src="/js/purify.min.js"></script>
+  <script type="text/javascript">
+    function escapeHtml(unsafe) {
+      return unsafe
+           .replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
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+           .replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
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+    function emojify(input, emojis) {
+      let output = input;
+      emojis.forEach(emoji => {
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+        img.setAttribute("alt", `:${ emoji.shortcode }:`);
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+        picture.appendChild(img);
+        output = output.replace(`:${ emoji.shortcode }:`, picture.outerHTML);
+      });
+      return output;
+    }
+    function loadComments() {
+      let commentsWrapper = document.getElementById("comments-wrapper");
+      document.getElementById("load-comment").innerHTML = "Loading";
+      fetch('https://{{ .host }}/api/v1/statuses/{{ .id }}/context')
+        .then(function(response) {
+          return response.json();
+        })
+        .then(function(data) {
+          let descendants = data['descendants'];
+          if(
+            descendants &&
+            Array.isArray(descendants) &&
+            descendants.length > 0
+          ) {
+            commentsWrapper.innerHTML = "";
+            descendants.forEach(function(status) {
+                console.log(descendants)
+              if( status.account.display_name.length > 0 ) {
+                status.account.display_name = escapeHtml(status.account.display_name);
+                status.account.display_name = emojify(status.account.display_name, status.account.emojis);
+              } else {
+                status.account.display_name = status.account.username;
+              };
+              let instance = "";
+              if( status.account.acct.includes("@") ) {
+                instance = status.account.acct.split("@")[1];
+              } else {
+                instance = "{{ .host }}";
+              }
+              const isReply = status.in_reply_to_id !== "{{ .id }}";
+              let op = false;
+              if( status.account.acct == "{{ .username }}" ) {
+                op = true;
+              }
+              status.content = emojify(status.content, status.emojis);
+              let avatarSource = document.createElement("source");
+              avatarSource.setAttribute("srcset", escapeHtml(status.account.avatar));
+              avatarSource.setAttribute("media", "(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)");
+              let avatarImg = document.createElement("img");
+              avatarImg.className = "avatar";
+              avatarImg.setAttribute("src", escapeHtml(status.account.avatar_static));
+              avatarImg.setAttribute("alt", `@${ status.account.username }@${ instance } avatar`);
+              let avatarPicture = document.createElement("picture");
+              avatarPicture.appendChild(avatarSource);
+              avatarPicture.appendChild(avatarImg);
+              let avatar = document.createElement("a");
+              avatar.className = "avatar-link";
+              avatar.setAttribute("href", status.account.url);
+              avatar.setAttribute("rel", "external nofollow");
+              avatar.setAttribute("title", `View profile at @${ status.account.username }@${ instance }`);
+              avatar.appendChild(avatarPicture);
+              let instanceBadge = document.createElement("a");
+              instanceBadge.className = "instance";
+              instanceBadge.setAttribute("href", status.account.url);
+              instanceBadge.setAttribute("title", `@${ status.account.username }@${ instance }`);
+              instanceBadge.setAttribute("rel", "external nofollow");
+              instanceBadge.textContent = instance;
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+              display.className = "display";
+              display.setAttribute("itemprop", "author");
+              display.setAttribute("itemtype", "http://schema.org/Person");
+              display.innerHTML = status.account.display_name;
+              let header = document.createElement("header");
+              header.className = "author";
+              header.appendChild(display);
+              header.appendChild(instanceBadge);
+              let permalink = document.createElement("a");
+              permalink.setAttribute("href", status.url);
+              permalink.setAttribute("itemprop", "url");
+              permalink.setAttribute("title", `View comment at ${ instance }`);
+              permalink.setAttribute("rel", "external nofollow");
+              permalink.textContent = new Date( status.created_at ).toLocaleString('en-US', {
+                dateStyle: "long",
+                timeStyle: "short",
+              });
+              let timestamp = document.createElement("time");
+              timestamp.setAttribute("datetime", status.created_at);
+              timestamp.appendChild(permalink);
+              let main = document.createElement("main");
+              main.setAttribute("itemprop", "text");
+              main.innerHTML = status.content;
+              let interactions = document.createElement("footer");
+              if(status.favourites_count > 0) {
+                let faves = document.createElement("a");
+                faves.className = "faves";
+                faves.setAttribute("href", `${ status.url }/favourites`);
+                faves.setAttribute("title", `Favorites from ${ instance }`);
+                faves.textContent = status.favourites_count;
+                interactions.appendChild(faves);
+              }
+              let comment = document.createElement("article");
+              comment.id = `comment-${ status.id }`;
+              comment.className = isReply ? "comment comment-reply" : "comment";
+              comment.setAttribute("itemprop", "comment");
+              comment.setAttribute("itemtype", "http://schema.org/Comment");
+              comment.appendChild(avatar);
+              comment.appendChild(header);
+              comment.appendChild(timestamp);
+              comment.appendChild(main);
+              comment.appendChild(interactions);
+              if(op === true) {
+                comment.classList.add("op");
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+                avatar.setAttribute(
+                  "title",
+                  "Blog post author; " + avatar.getAttribute("title")
+                );
+                instanceBadge.classList.add("op");
+                instanceBadge.setAttribute(
+                  "title",
+                  "Blog post author: " + instanceBadge.getAttribute("title")
+                );
+              }
+              commentsWrapper.innerHTML += DOMPurify.sanitize(comment.outerHTML);
+            });
+          }
+        });
+      }
+      document.getElementById("load-comment").addEventListener("click", loadComments);
+  </script>
+{{ end }}